
So, being Thanksgiving and that my boyfriend (I should really just start calling him my husband now, "boyfriend" just isn't enough~) is from Colorado, it sorta goes without saying he isn't here right now. Now, it is very lonely and quiet in the apartment without him, but there is a small benefit to the times that he is away.

We both met on the internet (through my drawings, no less) and now have been living together for about a year and a half now. Sure, we talk all the time and we're almost inseparable (especially when he traps me in bed), but for another year and a half before we moved in, we did almost nothing but talk over AIM. It takes a while for two guys to get used to sharing everything in spoken words rather than text, you see.

So, when he's away, I feel like we reconnect all over again. We share secrets that we've been too shy to say, and make plans we've been thinking about, and just talking in that format again is very nostalgic. Now, I know this post seems all sappy and totally not-gainer related, but I'm slowly finding out that he might be the greatest feeder a guy could ever ask for. I told you all before in a previous post that I found out
(while he was away, go figure) that he'd help me gain weight just last summer and now I'm finding out that he actually may want me fat more than I do!

Needless to say I'm on cloud 9 here. He dreams of me at 350 pounds, fantasizes of feeding me, stuffing me, and many many things I probably shouldn't share with you here~ Before I was gaining because I wanted to be bigger--I thought it was attractive, and now I'm gaining for him. And that's insane amounts of motivation, let me tell you. For now, I've gotta eat my ass off to gain three more pounds for him by the time he returns on Sunday. So, I'm off to eat!

p.p.s.: thanks for over 300 subscribers on youtube! look for a new video in, oh, say, three pounds!


  1. Well, being that it was Thanksgiving without him, I figured maybe he'd want you to pig out on that momentous day and gain those lbs easily. Maybe he left you money to buy numerous things to feed yourself, surprise him with your bigger figure? :P I do agree, he isn't bad to look at. He kinda looks like he has a little flab on him too. Looking forward to the video! :D

  2. a new vid in tree pounds? that means tomorrow?

  3. I appreciate the honesty and frankness of your blog. You and your husband are both very lucky guys!

  4. He's VERY handsome!! When do we get to see what your face looks like, mister? :)

  5. Looks like the BF is gettin a little chunky too - Better be careful: If he starts eating around you, he's gonna grow a gut.

  6. does he want to be bigger too looks a little chubby to me already

  7. he looks young he looks like he has babyfat too

  8. :D He looks quite fierce and dominating. Does he have a body blog, too? I'd love to watch him pack on the muscle.
