Blogs and Goals

Like I said just a few weeks ago, every time my boyfriend and I are apart, we talk more and more about what we want out of my gaining. We both seem to think that 400lbs would actually be a really good weight for me, if not more! It's very ambitious, I know, but I can't stop thinking about it. Even if I don't reach such a goal, I'll still be huge.

So, in the spirit of this, I made a little chart on the side there to keep things in perspective. I've hardly started and I'm over a third of the way to such a huge goal. I'll keep trying my hardest to get there, and I'll be sure to chronicle everything here, no matter how long it takes.

I'd like to thank you all again for your supportive comments. I know that I'd get a lot of the opposite from anyone else, and it means a lot to know that its not just me and my boyfriend who love gaining and fat guys.

I also added some links to some gaining and fat blogs that I know of. If I missed any that you regular, leave a comment here and I'll add it to the list.


  1. A goal of 400 pounds is a big commitment. Eat healthy because you don't want to develop health problems. Importantly, pay attention to the form of your body - most guys in the high 200's lose their shape - it would be shame to lose your great shape.

  2. *cheers you on* Setting your goal even higher is awesome. This way, you will breeze right over your previous one, and continue loving every pound and inch you get. Keep up the great work!

  3. Man, I love that you're putting your goal right out there. The openness and confidence you have on this blog is truly inspiring.

    For your gaining blogs list:

    Ravenous Haven:


  4. Nice to set your goals really high. You'd look damn sexy at 400 lbs, all huge. Hehe, your BF would have a lot to cuddle and rub then. I'll be cheering you on for that goal, just keep doing what you're doing and be safe doing it. We wouldn't want you to have a heart attack or something, that'll just suck.

  5. 400 O_O Damn, that is quite a goal. You MIGHT wanna consider upping the intensity of your back workouts; otherwise, you're gonna have a bit of a time hauling that belleh around(unless your ass balances you out, of course :P)

  6. Wow you are looking great... show a before pic and the present pic side by side to show the growth! Can't wait to see the next 10 pounds! Bruce in Texas

  7. i cant wait to see u at 400 lbs its hard to picture but u can make any weight look amazing

  8. its gonna be awful hard to haul that 400 pound belly around oh well just sit around on ur fat ass and eat all day :]
