A Thanks to You Readers

Lately I’ve just been so floored at the amount of contact I have gotten since starting this blog. When I first posted, I figured it would end up like the majority of blogs out there that get two or three posts and are then forgotten because of lack of attention. I figured because gaining was something everyone is able to do that I wouldn’t get too many readers, but it turns out I seem to be doing something pretty unusual.

I honestly had no idea of the affect my gaining weight would have. If you think about it, I’m doing something pretty selfish. I want to be fat and no one is going to stop me. Because of that, and the fact that being fat really isn’t anything special in today’s society, I expected to get very little support, but boy was I wrong. I have gotten hundreds of messages from people around the world wishing me luck and encouraging me to keep going. And I found that oftentimes it was because I’m doing something that they themselves wish they could do.

To you guys I say go for it! I don’t have the time to talk to everyone who contacts me, but without rambling like I usually do, here’s what I think: You may only have one life to live, don’t spend it wishing or wondering. There are risks and social stigma associated with what I’m doing, but it’s better to die with no regrets, don’t you think? You have to determine for yourself if the risks outweigh the benefits to having the body you want.

I am also glad that people are finding about the gainer community through this blog, and in turn are feeling unashamed or even proud of their size. To all the big guys out there, I hope you appreciate what you have! There is such a growing anti-fat sentiment in this country, it must be discouraging sometimes. I know people who have grown up thinking that they’ll never have an ideal body and sort of resided themselves to being unhappy with how they look. But please know that there are tons of people like me who truly envy what you have, and there are so many men out there, big and small, who find you immensely attractive. Everyone has the ideal body to someone, you just have to look!

And to everyone else, please don’t be shy to voice your comments or opinions! You guys are my biggest motivator, and I love to hear from you. The more support I get, the bigger I shall become.

In the spirit of this, I’m making an FAQ post below, so feel free to ask me any question you may have and I’ll continually update that post with answers.


This post shall act as the gitbigger.com list of frequently asked questions! Here you can ask anything that might be on your mind (or you can email or contact me any way you wish), and I shall frequently check and update it, as well as add a link to it in the side navigation. So ask away! No question is too taboo, I guarantee you.

  • Why are you gaining weight?
    I had been skinny my whole life, but always desired to be bigger. I am gaining weight in addition to working out in order to shape my body into the biggest it can become. I have always loved big men and I want to become what I find attractive in a man.
  • When did you start and at what weight?
    I started gaining weight (as in, started adding fat) in July of 2007. I was 175 pounds, though I consider my true starting weight to be 140, which was how much I weighed entering college and what I was throughout most of high school.

  • Why do you like fat men so much?
    I have been trying to figure this out for a long time. I am beginning to think it is genetic, because for the longest time I have loved watching fat cartoons and padding (as early as the third grade or around age eight). I cannot really explain why I like them so much, but I do love big men of any form.
  • What is your goal weight?
    It's hard to say if I have a 'goal' per se, but currently (and in retrospect this hasn't changed since the start) I am looking at 400 to 450 pounds. Men at that size are amazingly attractive to me. Currently though, this is probably as far as I'd go, but that may change.
  • Is it hard for you to gain weight?
    It is very difficult for me to put on weight. I grew up generally preparing my own meals, and rarely ate more than two small meals a day. I had an amazingly fast metabolism that is just now slowing down. I have to eat a lot in a day which is difficult for me to remember to do, and oftentimes will see no change in my weight for months at a time. Lately I've constantly had the desire to eat, but the physical capacity is not yet there.
  • Have you experienced any negative health effects?
    I have developed minor lactose intolerance, as well as some acid reflux when I sleep on my stomach. The two symptoms are probably related in some way. I do take heartburn medication and lactase supplements to ease this.
  • What do your friends and family think?
    As far as I know, my family is unaware of my true goals. I have told them in the past that I am shooting for the "football linebacker look" (which is true, I just haven't told them that after that I'm aiming for the "ex-football linebacker look"). My parents are naturally concerned as that's what parents do, and my only sister generally compliments me on how I look. I have few local friends, but I get teased every so often. I don't mind, I would like to be the 'fat guy' anyway.
  • Are you 'out' to your family?
    I am, I came out my second year of high school (age 16 or 17).
  • What size clothes do you wear and how often do you have to get new sizes?
    Currently I wear size 42 to 44 pants, and Large size shirts. I started at size 32 pants and Small to Medium size shirts. As you can see, I've gone through a lot of pants but not as many shirts, so I generally wear cheap pants or shorts with elastic waistbands.
  • Do you still work out?
    I do and I don't intend to stop any time soon. I intend to be the fattest gym rat you'll ever see. I have four different days of workouts, and I generally go to the gym three days a week.
(last updated 11.30.2008)

Thanksgiving Update

Just thought I would add this into my list of Sunday updates, considering the holiday. As I said before, Thanksgiving isn't as big of a deal as you'd think it would be to me. Not a big fan of the traditional Thanksgiving fare, but this year my mother did a great job cooking. She brined the turkey this year, and boy do I love salty things.

Eating with my family does give me good perspective on my own progress. When I'm here, I think nothing of the quantity I eat, but at home I realized how much more I eat than my family (aka normal people). I went back for seconds and thirds, and was the only one eating for the last twenty minutes or so. That makes me feel like I'm on my way to my dream of drawing stares at the all-you-can-eat buffet.

I wanted to avoid the inevitable discussion about my weight (which I couldn't hide at all), but thankfully this year brought a new puppy and my sister's twins, so I wasn't the topic of discussion anymore. My mother took me shopping and didn't seem surprised that I needed size 44 pants, but I could tell that she wanted to say something the whole time I was there. My sister's husband asked me what it was like not being the baby anymore now that there were babies in my mother's life, and it wasn't until then I realized that I finally wasn't anymore. It's actually kind of nice that I get to grow up in her eyes now.

I Love Fat

Forgive the ramblings that follow, but man do I love fat guys. Lately I can't help but daydream about it. More than usual. I'm so attracted to most every picture or drawing, or actual fat man I see, but mostly because I want to be the person. I look at a picture like the one below there an think about what it must be like to be that size. How walking feels, how heavy it would be, what it would feel like to rub a belly that size, or sit in a chair with a butt that size. I especially love it when the man is proud of himself. When he looks like he takes care of that wonderful gut he is sporting. Nothing is more attractive to me than a fat guy proud of his fat.

When I was coming back from my trip to Japan, I sat next to a very large man. He was about 60 years old and probably weighed upwards of 450 pounds. He squeezed himself into his tiny little coach seat next to me, his love handles settling on the armrest between us. He was an enormous bear of a man. I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eyes, but at the same time I couldn't keep my eyes from darting to his gut with every motion he made. When food came, he had to rest his tray table at an angle because of the size of his belly, and he downed every bit of that nasty meal. From Honolulu to Chicago, I watched this man and his every motion and by the end of it, I near-idolized him just for being fat.

Some days I think back and wonder if he knew what was going through my mind. He was not ashamed of his size in the slightest. Perhaps he had encountered a lot of men who lusted over his size. Perhaps he was a gainer himself. Perhaps he noticed me watching him and was teasing me, trying to get me to talk to him. I do hope that when I achieve what he achieved that I have encounters like that. Maybe I have already, who knows?

I do like how I look now, and from the response I've gotten on this blog, my YouTube videos and now the flood of compliments coming from my Chubspot page, it is possible I've captured the attention of someone without knowing it. I may not be the size of that man on the airplane, but I've grown into a good start. I love idly hefting my belly in the shower. I love not being able to see my penis when I take a leak. I love how my weight feels when I run, falling and shaking my body shortly after each step. And I love that these things that give me so much pleasure irk most people. It's an interesting thing to feel so naturally attracted to something, but at the same time to know that that attraction is so out of the ordinary.

The only thing I love more than being fat, is getting fatter. Nothing stirs up my libido more than eating a huge meal, rubbing my bloated stomach, thinking about how much heavier I'll become. I love to pad myself when my boyfriend isn't home (though after this, I suppose it's not much of a secret!) and I can never stop myself from stuffing more and more pillows and bedding under my 3XL shirt and boxers. It's almost never enough. I get winded just moving all of that around, but I find it such an odd turn on. And it's been that way for as long as I can remember.

Who knows why I like fat and gaining so much. I write about this a lot, thinking that one day I'll discover the reason. It could be that I looked up to my father and his size, it could be that my first orgasm was linked with padding, it could be a man's innate desire to be bigger and more powerful than his fellow man. Maybe it's all of those reasons.

But nothing is more satisfying and uplifting than being what you are so attracted to. That is why I am doing what I am doing. I am not yet much of a gainer, as I still don't eat nearly as much as I should, but I know that he's in there. I am a pig at heart. A man who would love nothing more than spend the rest of his life devoted to growing and crafting his body into what he considers to be the perfect man.

Next week is Thanksgiving. Not exactly my gaining Christmas, as I don't much care for turkey and stuffing and so forth, but I do loves me some pumpkin pie. I'm going to try and avoid staying at my parents' for too long, lest I start getting more questions about my weight. I'm usually comfortable talking to people about why I've gotten bigger, but you know how parents are.

I do apologize for the immense rambling of this post. But I do hope reading it has shed a little more light on what I'm doing. I am thinking about making an FAQ post and letting everyone ask me questions. Look for that next week, I suppose.

Skinny Clothes

Back before we moved out of our old apartment, I went through all of our clothes to donate to Goodwill. Doing so, I found some of my old clothes from some of the pictures I have of myself. Including the white shirt from some of my old pictures and some shorts I can't find a picture of. Unfortunately I could still fit in the shirt, but the pants were another story. You can check out the photos here.

I also tried to recreate a pose from an old picture. It's a good way to see how and where I've grown. Lordy, I have a big butt.

Speaking of butts, these are just a handful of all the pictures I took. The rest are pretty... adult. I'm hesitant to post them, but if you guys are interested, I'll gladly share them with you!


It's pretty easy why gainers have a fascination with sumo wrestling. A career in which its encouraged for you to get as big as possible? How can you go wrong?

Unfortunately, life as a sumo is pretty awful. I had always wondered why I never saw a smiling sumo wrestler, but now its pretty apparent. Life is extremely regimented, and every hour of your day is dedicated to training or working. You have to live in what is essentially a commune, and are prohibited from doing many things like driving a car. But if you make it to the top and rise to the rank of Yokozuna, you can make a comfortable 2.8 million yen a month (just under 25000 usd).

Its a shame the sport is so steeped in tradition, otherwise it would be more appealing to young people. But I suppose it wouldn't be the same without it. That is its undoing, as the sport is becoming less popular in Japan. Mostly because young Japanese are not participating in such an offbeat lifestyle. Most of the top sumo wrestlers are not Japanese these days.

But the idea is still nice. It is for that reason I paint a very different picture of the sport in the world of my lion character. People get on my case for not sticking to reality, but where's the fun in that? Its nice to instead think of life as a sumo as being one where you get paid to simply eat, sleep, train (and occasionally have sex) with a dozen other enormous gainers. A life where can you become famous because of your size instead of looked down upon... That's what fantasy worlds are for, I suppose.

However, I was pleased to discover there is an amateur sumo league in the U.S. based in California. All of the fun of wrestling without the harsh lifestyle? Perhaps so. Unfortunately, their website goes down frequently, but there's a nice article Washington Post article about it here. I think, if we end up moving to California*, I will look into joining. That way, I wouldn't just be a gainer; I'd be an athlete.

(*That is, if Tuesday's election goes as planned. Get out there and vote, people! I don't want to have to move to Canada**!)
(**No offense to Canada though! I love Vancouver, but I love the Bay Area more, y'see~)