Skinny Clothes

Back before we moved out of our old apartment, I went through all of our clothes to donate to Goodwill. Doing so, I found some of my old clothes from some of the pictures I have of myself. Including the white shirt from some of my old pictures and some shorts I can't find a picture of. Unfortunately I could still fit in the shirt, but the pants were another story. You can check out the photos here.

I also tried to recreate a pose from an old picture. It's a good way to see how and where I've grown. Lordy, I have a big butt.

Speaking of butts, these are just a handful of all the pictures I took. The rest are pretty... adult. I'm hesitant to post them, but if you guys are interested, I'll gladly share them with you!


  1. Please share.

    Oh, and big guy, I see what you mean about the shorts, but I've got news for you -- that shirt doesn't fit either. It's skin tight (which is a good thing) but it doesn't even cover half of your very large gut! You got big!

  2. Wow, all of those pictures really show off how much you've put on during your mission. In putting on weight both in muscle and fat, you've really shelled out whatever it was you had before and you're truly standing out. :) *cheers you on* As for those other pictures, I myself wouldn't mind catching glimpses of them. It would further show how big you've become, y'know?

  3. wow, good job man! you look great in those old clothes ;). i wouldnt mind seeing the more adult pictures either!

  4. Sign me up, where do I go to see the other photos?

  5. They're all good, but that first photo is brilliantly sexy. Thanks!

  6. You have to ask if we are interested? Of course we are...thanks for all the other pics as well. Regards, Jon (mandmchoc)

  7. of course we'd like to see those pictures, and im loving that little pouch of fat under your gut that you displayed in the first picture of this post ;)

  8. Git, whaaaat a progress man! From S to XXL ;D And of course I also want some adult photos ;P
    <-belly tap->

  9. would loveto see your adult pics if u want to send... Cheers...

    Your shirt does not fit, u an get it on but thats not the same as fitting... You got BIG...

  10. Would love to see the other pics:)

  11. we're all interested, believe me. post away!

  12. Man, dude, you're getting huge! ^^ Bigger, the better! I must say, those shorts look like they don't have much life left. I wouldn't mind seeing those adult pics of yours :)

  13. i would definatly love to see those sexy pictures
    that first picture, holy smokes;)

  14. I think I can handle "adult" I like the comparison shots you did, it really did bring some perspective on just how much you've gained!

  15. I'm gonna have to agree with everyone here, these are hot pics! It would be awesome to see those other ones. I am going for a similar ex-jock look and it's very inspirational to see you working on it too.

    dustindraggist at

  16. it;s like a hot-hotter pic XD

  17. Proč, proboha proč?

    Cause you said your ancestors are Czech translate this.

    Pořád to nechápu, co to nosíme v krvi, jen kam se podívám jsou pupkáči!
