This post shall act as the gitbigger.com list of frequently asked questions! Here you can ask anything that might be on your mind (or you can email or contact me any way you wish), and I shall frequently check and update it, as well as add a link to it in the side navigation. So ask away! No question is too taboo, I guarantee you.

  • Why are you gaining weight?
    I had been skinny my whole life, but always desired to be bigger. I am gaining weight in addition to working out in order to shape my body into the biggest it can become. I have always loved big men and I want to become what I find attractive in a man.
  • When did you start and at what weight?
    I started gaining weight (as in, started adding fat) in July of 2007. I was 175 pounds, though I consider my true starting weight to be 140, which was how much I weighed entering college and what I was throughout most of high school.

  • Why do you like fat men so much?
    I have been trying to figure this out for a long time. I am beginning to think it is genetic, because for the longest time I have loved watching fat cartoons and padding (as early as the third grade or around age eight). I cannot really explain why I like them so much, but I do love big men of any form.
  • What is your goal weight?
    It's hard to say if I have a 'goal' per se, but currently (and in retrospect this hasn't changed since the start) I am looking at 400 to 450 pounds. Men at that size are amazingly attractive to me. Currently though, this is probably as far as I'd go, but that may change.
  • Is it hard for you to gain weight?
    It is very difficult for me to put on weight. I grew up generally preparing my own meals, and rarely ate more than two small meals a day. I had an amazingly fast metabolism that is just now slowing down. I have to eat a lot in a day which is difficult for me to remember to do, and oftentimes will see no change in my weight for months at a time. Lately I've constantly had the desire to eat, but the physical capacity is not yet there.
  • Have you experienced any negative health effects?
    I have developed minor lactose intolerance, as well as some acid reflux when I sleep on my stomach. The two symptoms are probably related in some way. I do take heartburn medication and lactase supplements to ease this.
  • What do your friends and family think?
    As far as I know, my family is unaware of my true goals. I have told them in the past that I am shooting for the "football linebacker look" (which is true, I just haven't told them that after that I'm aiming for the "ex-football linebacker look"). My parents are naturally concerned as that's what parents do, and my only sister generally compliments me on how I look. I have few local friends, but I get teased every so often. I don't mind, I would like to be the 'fat guy' anyway.
  • Are you 'out' to your family?
    I am, I came out my second year of high school (age 16 or 17).
  • What size clothes do you wear and how often do you have to get new sizes?
    Currently I wear size 42 to 44 pants, and Large size shirts. I started at size 32 pants and Small to Medium size shirts. As you can see, I've gone through a lot of pants but not as many shirts, so I generally wear cheap pants or shorts with elastic waistbands.
  • Do you still work out?
    I do and I don't intend to stop any time soon. I intend to be the fattest gym rat you'll ever see. I have four different days of workouts, and I generally go to the gym three days a week.
(last updated 11.30.2008)


  1. Nice idea on keeping an FAQ, Git. ^^ Keep up the great job you're doing with yourself. We'll be rooting for ya.

  2. What is your typical daily gaining diet? Are there certain foods/drinks that you eat more of to help you gain?

  3. How do you padd (ie: what are your steps to getting the fat look with padding).

  4. This might be too personal, but I ask this as somebody who is just starting to gain (almost up 20 lbs!): Has adding weight made your penis bigger?

  5. I think all of us struggle to answer the question of why we are attracted to gainers. I've got a theory that I want to get an opinion on.

    I think that it shows vulnerability. An athletic, muscular, or even thin person is now being "dominated" by something that they willingly give into. Whereas "model" types seem typically unapproachable, gainers disarm themselves.

    There may even be some sort of envy going on. It takes courage to subject yourself to judgement by family and peers. Typically, people are attracted to those characteristics they want in themselves.

  6. I love this site, just found it tonight via Youtube. You had exactly the same goals when you where a kid as me and i've never found anybody else who shares that which I find very exciting as I thought it was just me who pretended and longed to be fat when I was a child.

    Like you my parents worried about my weight when I was really fat about 10 years ago. I've lost the weight now but still long for the day when I can let it all hang out again and eat like to horse all day just to watch my body grow fatter and fatter.

    Keep up the good work and keep eating, you've done so well thus far and I can only congratulate you and urge you to break the 240lb barrier.
