A Thanks to You Readers

Lately I’ve just been so floored at the amount of contact I have gotten since starting this blog. When I first posted, I figured it would end up like the majority of blogs out there that get two or three posts and are then forgotten because of lack of attention. I figured because gaining was something everyone is able to do that I wouldn’t get too many readers, but it turns out I seem to be doing something pretty unusual.

I honestly had no idea of the affect my gaining weight would have. If you think about it, I’m doing something pretty selfish. I want to be fat and no one is going to stop me. Because of that, and the fact that being fat really isn’t anything special in today’s society, I expected to get very little support, but boy was I wrong. I have gotten hundreds of messages from people around the world wishing me luck and encouraging me to keep going. And I found that oftentimes it was because I’m doing something that they themselves wish they could do.

To you guys I say go for it! I don’t have the time to talk to everyone who contacts me, but without rambling like I usually do, here’s what I think: You may only have one life to live, don’t spend it wishing or wondering. There are risks and social stigma associated with what I’m doing, but it’s better to die with no regrets, don’t you think? You have to determine for yourself if the risks outweigh the benefits to having the body you want.

I am also glad that people are finding about the gainer community through this blog, and in turn are feeling unashamed or even proud of their size. To all the big guys out there, I hope you appreciate what you have! There is such a growing anti-fat sentiment in this country, it must be discouraging sometimes. I know people who have grown up thinking that they’ll never have an ideal body and sort of resided themselves to being unhappy with how they look. But please know that there are tons of people like me who truly envy what you have, and there are so many men out there, big and small, who find you immensely attractive. Everyone has the ideal body to someone, you just have to look!

And to everyone else, please don’t be shy to voice your comments or opinions! You guys are my biggest motivator, and I love to hear from you. The more support I get, the bigger I shall become.

In the spirit of this, I’m making an FAQ post below, so feel free to ask me any question you may have and I’ll continually update that post with answers.


  1. I'm a regular reader of your blog, and those of other gainers, but as I'm a lot older have not commented much if at all. I just wanted to say that reading your thoughts as you undertake this amazing transformation is a refreshing experience. You are doing it right: thoughtfully, intelligently, honestly, with your partner on side, but also independently and on your own terms. Above all you're having fun getting big and that's the most important thing. Oh yeah, and you look GREAT!

    Keep it up, have fun, and please continue to take your loyal readers along for the ride. You're a breath of fresh air.

    Graham (mestill1 on beefyfrat)

  2. I to am a padder and have enjoyed your posts and updates concering your journey. I would like to more information on padding and being a padder (ie:How-To Padd).

  3. His blog is one of the best there and I put their photos hot, and I am with you and to continue feeding much.

  4. I am charm with your blog and all your photos, and drawings.
    You could it makes a comic of bara that happens of very muscular to very obese? I would love to see one of this style.

  5. I've been reading your blog latley, and I'm amazed by it. You've come a long way and I wish you luck on your journey! takes it easy!

  6. You're definitely admired and adored!!!

  7. well man you ARE an inspiration! so many gainers claim to be...well, gainers, yet their weight never changes. You actually went for it and made a huge change in your body... and that is so sexy lol. keep eating my friend, because you look fantastic
