Gaining Again

Sorry about not posting on Sunday, I was in the spectacularly frigid city of Chicago for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test. Despite traveling through two airports, spending the entire day at a college and coffee shops, I was without internet for the entire journey. The day-long trip was generally uneventful, but I'm finding out that I'm starting to outgrow my usual Canadair CRJ200. I can't squeeze my laptop between my gut and the seat in front of me, and those seatbelts are starting to get awful tight. Not that I'd mind asking for an extender, of course. While I was up there, I was itching to post because I'm happy to say I've finally broken past my 240lb plateau!

I'd been stuck at that wonderful-turn-dreadful weight since very early this year, and I couldn't be happier to have broken past it. My weight has been between 244 and 247 this past week or so and I think it's really starting to show. I was going to wait until Sunday to post, but my lovely boyfriend is really getting into the feeder mindset and cooked me up a massive stack of waffles for dinner, and I had to take some pictures of my bloated gut (and show of my new t-shirt. Y'get it?)

I've had such high self-esteem as of late, and I can probably put all the blame on this turn of events. I had almost forgotten how happy gaining weight makes me. I'll save better pictures and more thoughts for Sunday's post. Let's just hope it's a while before I hit the next wall!


  1. awesome job. glad to see you have broken free of your plateau. Keep us informed as usual. :-)

  2. Congratulations. You look amazing as usual. As much as we love your t-shirts, we love your belly more. All the best. Regards, Jon. (mandmchoc)

  3. 1. oh my god are you hot!
    2. Congrats!
    3. Can't wait to see you get bigger!!

  4. Bet your boyfriend makes some wonderful finger-licking good food. :)

  5. Grats on breaking the plateau!!! Just to lettin ya know that your double chin is startin to show a lot more, lol,. Keep on gettin bigger dude!

  6. You're really starting to thicken up. Would be great to see you in a skin-tight tank top or wrestling singlet to get a glimpse of how beefy you've gotten.

  7. You look fantastic. I'm very happy for/jealous of you and your boyfriend :)

  8. Glad you made past your goal/stuck! Keep it up, glad you're happy too.

  9. Congrats, Git. ^^ You're looking great. Keep up the great job and hopefully you'll get more fatter and not go back down past what you're stuck at. ^^

  10. You are so damn handsome!

  11. Wow, you keep looking better and better the more you gain. Keep it up. Like I said, Wow!

  12. Amazing Pic. Wow!!!

  13. Congrats, man! I may be 20 lbs behind you, but you look great! Keep it up!

    hehe one of ur legs on that pic is very thin ;)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. sorry if this is a bit off topic, but i was wondering if you've read Sander Gilman's "Fat Boys: A Slim Book"? Gilman was a professor at uchicago (my alma mater), specializing in issues of embodiment/representation. he writes from a literary/cultural studies perspective. not sure if gaining/encouraging is on his radar, but the history of the fat male body is pretty interesting.

    his more recent book (2008) is
    called "Fat: A Cultural History of Obesity"


    just thought you might find it interesting? and keep up the good work! i've been a fan of yours for awhile now. handsome man!

