Happy Holidays

By the skin of my teeth I passed my last exam and with the curve passed the class. This coming semester is my final one before graduation. I'm still trying my damnedest to get to 280 by that point. Hopefully this slow break will help me pack on some pounds.

After all of the stress of this past month, it will be nice to relax. Unfortunately, I have to go back to my parents (and my boyfriend to his...) for Christmas. After my big national test in Chicago and then studying my butt off for my finals, my brain is absolutely fried and all I want to do is be lazy for a while. While I love my family, I don't really spend as much time with them as they want me to. There's the usual family drama that comes with going home that centers typically around my sister. On top of that, the semester ended later than usual, and I have barely enough time to shop for gifts.

Speaking of Christmas, I wanted to do something sort of special for you guys for being so supportive. Unfortunately, with my brain being fried and things are so short-notice now that I couldn't think of anything. But, I'm willing to post something when I get home! So, feel free to suggest something. Photographs, drawings, stories... if there's something you want to see, I'd be glad to oblige.

And if you're feeling generous, my donation button over there is always working! I never get too much for Christmas, so any support or gift you can spare would mean the world to me. Merry Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas, Looking forward to a new year of padding.

  2. Merry Christmas!
    Hope it's a great one...looking forward to seeing you put on some nice holiday weight...

    How about some Santa pictures?

  3. Santa pictures!

    I'm sure we've all had a Santa fantasy now and then (who didn't love when Tim Allen gained in The Santa Clause?)

    And hope you have a wonderful holiday, and a great reunion with the boyfriend afterwards...

  4. I think you should take pictures in really small clothes. Also you could have video of your boyfriend rubbing your belly. Have longer videos and more pictures! You are so gorgeous, we all want to see more!!!

  5. I just wish you a merry christmas. Congrats on passing and i hope you actually enjoy yourself at your parents.

  6. try on some of your older clothes, or some tight pants or shorts that show your butt and how big its getting, more before and after would be hot!

  7. Merry Christmas to you and congratulations on getting through the exams successfully. Hope you can relax and enjoy your well deserved break. Make sure that the turkey is not the only thing that is stuffed this season. As for pics, my favorites are always in just your tighty whities. Thsnks for the blog. Regards, Jon (mandmchoc)

  8. Happy Holidays, Git!

    As always, pics in super tight clothes, or just plain shirtless works for me! Perhaps sneak a nice pic right after a HUGE meal so you are at max roundness....

    Hang in there while you are apart from your man...it will make it that much sweeter when you reunite.

  9. I'd like to see you in small underwear with a nice grin on your face. :)

    Merry Christmas.

  10. It'd be great to see a video where you talked about gaining. Maybe some tight clothes could be added into the mix.

    Anyway, Merry Christmas!

  11. I would love to donate more if I could see you weigh just your belly. Place a scale on a table and lay your gut on it so we can see how much just your stomach weighs. Take care

  12. all i want to see is you getting to 280lbs or even 300lbs! Come on 300!! Merry Crimbo!

  13. Hey,
    Loving your blog
    plzzz can you do some pictures with your but in them ^^
    also lovin your drawings
    congrats on your exams
    keep up the good work and enjoy your crimbo

  14. Congrats on getting past your tests. Now it's just time to try and relax. Hope you can do that and not get stressed out from your family and being away from your BF. I'd like to suggest you drawing more of yourself as your idea weight and shape. Nude maybe? Just to see as clothes sometimes hide what you really are trying to get at. ^^

  15. also likeing the ideas that people have had about he santa i think you would make an amazing santa our soooo hot!!!!
    lurrrrving the gut
    (p.s not seen much of yer boifriend, maybe you could include him in some more pics and vids =D ;) =P )

  16. What would I like? I would love to see standing photos of you completely naked with your handsome face in the photos. Front, side, rear and 3/4 view. It would be great to mark the end of your first year after "coming out" as a gainer with some pictures. If you won't be so bold to go completely naked, how about in some nice, tight undershorts.

    You are a remarkable looking man and it would be incredible to look back on this awesome year of gaining with a year-end recap and final look before 2009.

    Merry Christmas and all the best to you and your boyfriend.

    Love from Ohio as always...

    - Dale

  17. Love the idea of Santa pics...can you get a hold of a Santa hat and coat (no need for a beard...like to see your face)...

    And do you own a pair of tighty whities? I echo that idea!

  18. Hope you have a happy holiday!

    Looking forward to seeing more videos, and maybe some simple pictures with just you and a pair of briefs...(white? that'd be hot).

  19. Congrats on your exams! Enjoy the break--I'm sure (like all students) you've worked your butt off this term, and deserve some time off!
    Merry Christmas to you and the boyfriend and family!

    As for future pics/videos?

    (and make them white and a size too small, lol...)

  20. Padding and tighty whities--that would make a merry Christmas!

  21. Merry Christmas!!!
    just like you ive made it
    through some tought finals too.
    But keep gaining your looking good
    as a 16 year old i hope to be an
    ambitious gainer like you someday
    youre a great role model to look up to and a real inspiration to me. i have on request could you do a video standing up in dress clothes like an overweight businessman suit and all or wearing a workout sweatsuit. i would love to see that. If not im just glad to know there are other people out there that i can look up to. :) Happy Holidays

  22. Hi Git!

    i like the idea of Santa hat and a small small santa outfit, like you are busting out. you are so very cute, so i dont think you need a beard, just a nice grin. Happy Holidays, and Warm Wishes for the New Year.


  23. would love to see more of your asss ;) and possiblt a vid of you working out ;) *that'd be sexy*

  24. hi,
    this is nothing to do with your post but i was wondering what you think. I want to be gay gainer just like you but dont know what to do. i am worried what family and friends will thnk =S please respond :)

  25. you would make a hell of a sexy santa

  26. I think you should do more vids, in tight clothes showing off your gut and ass...

  27. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

    Maybe you got a nice package of white briefs?
    If not, even pics of padding would be nice...

  28. Well, since you asked, the most scorching hot thing you could post would be a vid of yourself working out, shirtless, with sweatpants on. Since you asked, . . . ;-)

    That would be absolutely blazing hot.
