A Wonderful Present

Christmas at my parents' was thankfully pretty uneventful. Once again, the my sister's children took most of the attention away from me. This is good, considering I've actually gotten a bit bigger since the last time I saw them. I can't hide my belly as well anymore, even in the loose shirt I got to do just that (on the right there). I know they want to say something, but so far I've been able to avoid it.

Oh, yeah, you heard right: I gained weight! I thought it was just a fluke, but I've weighed pretty close to 250 pounds these past few days. I got a good amount of money from my parents for Christmas, and I'm putting it towards food for the upcoming year. I AM going to get to 250 by the end of the year, and continue on to my goal of 280 by graduation in May. While I'll be glad to hit 250, I'll still be about 10 pounds behind schedule, so I need to step it up!

I'm looking for all kinds of tricks and techniques to help put on weight faster, now that I've broken past a plateau and (more importantly) have some money to finance it. While I was in Louisville (my hometown) I discovered they opened a Vitamin Shoppe, so I picked up some more weight gain powder, and I've been supplementing my diet with Ensure Plus shakes. They're not very tasty, but a 350 calorie addition every day equals a pound every ten days. If you've got any tips, feel free to share.

Last but not least, don't think I forgot about your Christmas presents. I went shopping around after Christmas, looking for some of your requests. I couldn't find any Santa hats, but I remembered people asking for more tight clothes and an odd amount of requests for tighty-whities, so I combined the two! I took so many pictures, I couldn't narrow it down enough. So forgive the camera-whoring, and I hope you enjoy!

I'll be back on Wednesday for some New Years Resolutions. Happy Holidays!


  1. The last one is my favorite - the peaceful fat man. 250 will be easily breechable by New Year's. And I'll lift a glass of nog your way for 280 by May....speaking of which, maybe if you mix the Ensure with Egg Nog, that'll up the calorie content and help the flavor?

  2. Thanks for taking the time to take those amazing pics! Nothing looks hotter than you in tighty whities (other than just a jock strap). You look incredible and here's hoping you reach your goal weight. Regards, Jon (mandmchoc)

  3. yes you are very sexy i want to see you completly naked

  4. Beautiful! I, without a doubt, believe you will be able to reach 280 by the end of 2009, and hopefully more. You look absolutely and volumously great.

  5. amazingly hot! love the tightie whities... love you to do another youtbe vid, or even just upload it directly here....

  6. Thanks for the incredible pictures of you! You're looking incredible, and I hope you reach your goal of 280 by May. The beard really looks great on you, and i hope you let it fill out and grow, just like your belly! Have a wonderful new year!

  7. Good luck to you on reaching your goals, Git. We're all rooting for ya. ^^

  8. *blushes* Wow, those're excellent pictures. Not sure what I can really compliment you with that hasn't already been said up above. Keep up the great work.

  9. You're really starting to fill out a lot - congratulations on all you've achieved. I know you've worked really hard for it.

    I know this isn't a "popular" thought here judging by these other comments, but just...be careful? I don't know you and I haven't talked to you before, but I've read your blog and you seem like a really nice, really intelligent guy. And I know gaining weight is something you want for yourself, but there *are* some health risks to gaining weight really fast, and I'm wondering if maybe there's a way that you could gain more but by eating healthier food? And not doughnuts and onion rings?

    I know some powerlifters talk about "bulking clean" and not eating a lot of carbs and stuff, and maybe that's something you could do in the future? You'd still keep the fat you already have, but would gain weight by eating food that doesn't have a lot of cholesterol, etc.

    I totally realize that this is all none of my business, and if I'm being a jerk you can totally tell me so. But I read your blog sometimes and I see some of the comments people write here and I wonder: "All these people are pushing him to gain weight so fast, but how many of them actually care about *him*?" It's like when you go out to a bar with friends and everyone's pushing one guy to do keg-stands, without regard to the guy's own physical well-being. Reading this blog, I can tell there's a lot more to you than gaining and I wish other people could see you as more than a piece of meat. Obviously, this blog is about your weight, but there's more there too.


    And wow, this Comment is getting way too long. Basically, I think your site is awesome and I think you look great as you are. Just...be careful? You rock! :)


    That Pesky English Major Again :P

  10. These pictures are beautiful...

    My favourites are #'s 2,4, & 5...

    Hope to see much, much more of this sort of thing...

  11. you know, I usually don't like this kind of talk, but those pics are hot!!

  12. You look better with every post - these pics just made my day!!

  13. You look hot in a jock strap take some pictures in one

  14. Seriously beautiful...some of the best pics we've seen so far.

    Please do more...

  15. I hope you have a well-fed and definitely well-rounded new year!
