New Year's Resolution

This time of year, all of the weight loss and gym membership ads flood television as everyone makes their annual pledge to lose weight. While some people do need to lose weight for their health, most of the resolutions are made because people are just unhappy with their weight.

For once, I'm not one of them. Right now, I'm so unbelievably happy with my body. For whatever reason, I've started gaining again and my confidence is blooming. I love looking down at my belly and swelling with pride at all the work I've put into it. With that pride and confidence, my goal of making 280 by May is looking more and more doable.

I'm hesitant to say I've officially hit 250 pounds, because my damned digital scale always reads 3 pounds lighter than my analog scale, but I'd say just this once it's worth ignoring that one, don't you think? In celebration, I'll finally be making another YouTube video for my timeline for this Sunday's update!

I've also noticed a lot more blogs popping up lately. It's great to see more people going for their goals. Hopefully next year will be a lot more productive for all of us! Thanks for reading and supporting me, and I'll see you next year.


  1. Have a Happy New Year and Keep on Padding.

  2. Sounds like a challenging goal! Is that also your goal for the year, or do you want to go even more come May? I have a similar problem with my scales, but it's the other way around. My analog one reads about 3-4 lbs lighter than my digital one.

    Anyways, good luck! You have some tough, yet acomplishable work ahead of you!

  3. Congratulations and I look forward to the new video!

  4. Hi Stupidgit, forgot to add that i've uploaded some vids of my own on my blogspot, check em out....

  5. Good luck to you with reaching the goals you want, Git. Hope you can make them by May or blow right past your goals and be bigger then your goal. I think if that were to happen ou'd be really amazed. Plus it's good to see someone like yourself who isn't afirad of their wait or how they look.

  6. Good luck, Pete!
    I'm running a similar goal as you.... I wanna get to 250 by the end of the year, but I'm actually gonna aim for 300 (I know I'll end up falling short, so if I shoot higher I have a better chance of hitting the number I actually want) in which case I hope to be 30-40 lbs up by May...

  7. dude nice gut maybe i can write a story about u or u can give me your e-mail address and we can talk oh and please respond my email is

  8. its tuesday. you shouldn't promise updates on sunday if you can't adhere to them. just update when you can and/or want to. Stop leaving us in the balance. Love your blog, and your growing body. fyi.
