Thanksgiving Update

Just thought I would add this into my list of Sunday updates, considering the holiday. As I said before, Thanksgiving isn't as big of a deal as you'd think it would be to me. Not a big fan of the traditional Thanksgiving fare, but this year my mother did a great job cooking. She brined the turkey this year, and boy do I love salty things.

Eating with my family does give me good perspective on my own progress. When I'm here, I think nothing of the quantity I eat, but at home I realized how much more I eat than my family (aka normal people). I went back for seconds and thirds, and was the only one eating for the last twenty minutes or so. That makes me feel like I'm on my way to my dream of drawing stares at the all-you-can-eat buffet.

I wanted to avoid the inevitable discussion about my weight (which I couldn't hide at all), but thankfully this year brought a new puppy and my sister's twins, so I wasn't the topic of discussion anymore. My mother took me shopping and didn't seem surprised that I needed size 44 pants, but I could tell that she wanted to say something the whole time I was there. My sister's husband asked me what it was like not being the baby anymore now that there were babies in my mother's life, and it wasn't until then I realized that I finally wasn't anymore. It's actually kind of nice that I get to grow up in her eyes now.


  1. I was kinda hoping that you'd do a Thanksgiving edition of your blog. This is truly one of my top five places on the 'net. Not only do I get to look at a tremendously good-looking guy when you post your pictures, but I also get to read about where you are with your gains and your musings.

    I do hope that you continue to keep up the pace and, perhaps, even step it up. I'd love to see you reach that goal of 450 and maybe even surpass it to become a magnificent 500# god of pure sex and physicality.

    All the best to you... as always!

    - Dale (in Cleveland, OH)

  2. Hey guy, you mentioned morphing this and I figured I'd give it a try.

    I dusted off an old copy of Morpheus and gave it a shot... It's a bit rough, but all in all I think it could look good on ya: gitfinal.png

    Lemme know whatcha think!

  3. While I'm at it, here's a version with all three shots laid out together.

  4. @ Muke

    That is absolutely amazing! I am seriously lusting over this so hard right now. Please teach me how you do it, lol

  5. Good to see that you did do a Thanksgiving blog entry. Plus that drawing of you at that weight. You look hot. Just keep up what you're doing and we'll be with you every step of the way. ^^

  6. Looking Great! U do awesome drawings! I hope one day u reach your goal... WOW that morph is amazing!

    I also updated my gaining blog...

  7. well in any way ur looken good n ur belly is prety hot i cant wait till im that big.
